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TouchTimes App Credits

Research Direction and Project Coordination: Nathalie Sinclair

Application Design and Software Development: Nicholas Jackiw

TouchTimes’ development was made possible by an Insight Grant from the Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council awarded to Dr. Nathalie Sinclair (PI) and Dr. Sean Chorney (co-PI). Research assistants on the project are Sandy Bakos and Canan Gunes.

The overall graphics design of TouchTimes is based on an original graphics design for TouchCounts by Kirsten Johnson. Some icons are licensed under CC 3.0 BY from www.flaticon.com: camera icon (by Icomoon), padlock and trash icons (by Smashicons), fingerprint icon (by Freepik), and the grid icon (by Robin Kylander).

About This Project

TouchTimes is a product of the Tangible Mathematics Project at Simon Fraser University, in Burnaby, British Columbia (Canada). Our apps aim to create mathematical experiences that develop and deploy young learners’ embodied cognition, and their abilities to perceive and comprehend number and arithmetic concepts through explorations involving their fingers, hands and body gestures. Rather than focus on numeric computation and procedural repetition, our learning tools aim to endow childrens’ mathematical ideas with the representational power of their fingers, and to personalize and make tangible their early experiences with number and operation.

  • TouchTimes (this app, addressing multiplicative relationships) is intended primarily for children aged 6-11.
  • TouchCounts (addressing counting, addition, subtraction, and equiparitition) is intended primarily for children aged 3-8.

More information on the neuroscientific and educational research that influences the design of these tools' gesturo-haptic arithmetic can be found in the Research Bibliography.